Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Only Fear That Matters

Today was a pretty stressful day at work. We had inspectors surveying our institution for the past 3 days. And as I thought I wouldn't have to make contact with them, today I was called right smack in the middle. All the big heads were there from my workplace. Honestly, a sense of fear began to sneak into my heart and mind. But God graciously, provided the right perspective. His word reminded where my true fear ought lie; not in man, but in God, as it is proclaimed in Psalm 118:5-7.

So I wanted to share what the scripture has taught me about fear. I should fear God because He is the Creator and the Blesser (Revelation 14:7). I should fear God because He and He alone can help me in my struggles and my fears (Isaiah 35:3-5). I should fear God because he is my Redeemer, who promises to help (Isaiah 41:12-14). I should fear God because he lovingly and purposefully created me (Psalm 139:12-14). And I should fear God because He knows the plans he has in stored for me (Jeremiah 29:10-12).

Isn't it strange? As a believer in Christ, I fear God not because He is a holy watchdog out to hunt me down when I sin, but because he is almighty, loving, merciful, and kind, who has all the right to destroy me for eternity, who doesn't need me, but graciously calls me to himself through His Son and by His Holy Spirit. The ultimate and most awesome fear is the fear of God, which empowers me to fight all other fears. Praise the Lord, our Almighty and Most Powerful God!

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