Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Christ, The Knowledge of God

Today more than usual, I found myself running to the Cross to find refuge, safety, and peace. For some reason my thoughts today floated towards sin than towards God. Thoughts of anger, pride, and lust attacked me as I began walking out of the house. But thank God, I felt the Holy Spirit also kick it up a notch to allow me to fight for what is true, good, and satisfying. He witnessed to my heart about the power of the Cross.

The sinful thoughts have died down so far, and I have been left with two pieces of scripture that have really kept me focused on Jesus. The verses are Matthew 11:25-30 and 2 Corinthians 10:4-5.

As I was battling out with the sin present in my thoughts, I tried my best to enact the second part of 2 Corinthians 10:5, '
take every thought captive to obey Christ'. It was vague to me what I was doing though. Only later, in trying to describe the war going on in my mind, did my friend lead me to this verse. And I read it and I never realized that this verse is in the context of inner spiritual turmoil going on in the church of Corinth, surfacing as prideful arguments caused by strongholds of sin. This is in conflict with the knowledge of God, and to fight this I must come to Christ with everything. Christ discerns for me what is true and good.

While pondering this, I also thought about the verses from Matthew 11. I came across these verses several days ago. And what I noticed there that I never noticed before was the fact that before Jesus calls us to come to him to get rest, He thanks God the Father and describes His relationship with the Father and describes our relationship with Himself, where Jesus focuses on the revelation of the knowledge of God the Father, which Christ reveals.

Pondering these two verses together I couldn't help see the common point, which is the knowledge of God. Paul talks about bringing all thoughts to obey Christ that we may not be hindered about the knowledge of God and that we may have the authority to discern falsehood and rebuke it. John talks about coming to Christ to receive rest from our labor and our burdens, where I believe that rest for our souls occurs because Christ reveals to us the knowledge of God. So as I look at these two passages I can't help be spill out in worship for Christ! I know God because of Christ! Wow!

May I continue to see Christ as most awesome, because through him I know God and know what it means then to be a child of God. All glory and honor and praise be unto Him! And may the sweet, awesome knowledge of God through the Holy Spirit continue to change me and make me more a man of God, a husband of God, a brother of God, a child of God... ultimately more like Christ. Amen.

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