Saturday, May 24, 2008

All by Himself

Have you ever felt alone? How does that feel? I have felt a myriad of things. Sometimes it can be very lonely, other times very profitable, other times nerve wracking, and other times pathetic. Honestly, being by myself for the most part seems a bit improper. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy being by myself sometimes, but being around others just seem more enjoyable and sometimes even more natural than being alone.

I bring this up, because I have begun reading A.W. Pink's The Attributes of God. The first chapter is titled 'The Solitariness of God'. Pink tries to direct the reader to the fact that God is on a totally different level than us. That he has always been alone and everlasting in who he is. Without us he still exists and without us he can still be satisfied. That's our God. Many times I hear about God as a relational and loving God. This is true, but that many times we forgot that he is GOD, who is most holy, most just, most forgiving, and even most joyful. We are not necessary to God. This is quite humbling I must say.

To love someone and then know that that person doesn't need us in anyway, can be very depressing. But that's telling only one part of the story I think. Yes, the Lord doesn't need me, but He finds pleasure in me, because He created me out of that solitariness. If this wasn't all true, my God would be based on my sinful self, and then there's no way God could be truly perfect.

Lord, no human can truly understand you, nor explain you, nor know you. But you Lord in your mercy and grace desire to let yourself be known to your children. For the knowledge of the glory of God is seen the face of Jesus Christ.

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